Logically correct sentence. Grammatically correct sentence mavzusidan test savollari

Choose logically correct sentence.

Choose the appropriate answer.

What colour hair do you have?

Complete the sentence.

The harder you work ….

Choose the appropriate answer.

There aren’t as many days in February as in January, are there?

Choose the best answer.

Ann … and left.

Choose the best answer.

… during the storm.

Choose the best answer.

… chair the meeting.

Choose the best answer.

… to read about the customs of other countries.

Choose the best answer.

It wasn’t as good as ….

Choose the best answer.

… until I went to university.

Choose logically correct sentence.

Choose the best answer.

… his homework, he was allowed to watch TV.

Choose logically correct sentence.

Choose logically correct sentence.

Choose the grammatically correct sentence.

Choose the best answer.

… of large mammals once dominated the North American prairies: the American bison and the pronghorn antelope.

Choose the best answer.

… that they had done it yesterday.

Choose the appropriate answer.

Jack kissed his wife and said that he would return ….

Choose the appropriate answer.

… Michelangelo began painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican.

Choose the appropriate answer.

Neither he nor I … easily frightened but the beast was so terrifying that we couldn’t help but start screaming.

Choose the right answer.

Choose the best answer.

… the better the water boils.

Choose logically correct sentence.

Choose grammatically correct phrase that best completes the sentence.

By the time students graduate from high school … compositions or essays.

Choose grammatically correct phrase that best completes the sentence.

Learning to play a musical instrument … that children in the USA participate in.

Choose the correct variant of the sentence.

Choose the appropriateanswer.

Whom do you often write letters to?

Choose the appropriate answer.

Who usually has lunch at school?

Choose the appropriate answer.

You don’t play tennis, do you?

Complete the sentence.

This is the fattest turkey …